The Companies House Wizard is a new tool in HQ which allows you to import businesses and linked people directly into HQ from Companies House.
To use the Companies House Wizard you can either go to New->Business and click the button in the bottom left corner of the new business dialog box which will then open up the companies house wizard, or you can go to Contacts -> Companies House Wizard.
Once you open the wizard you will see the dialog box below:
There are three tabs on the companies house wizard, these are:
- Find a Company
- Officers
- Company Details
The image above shows the Find a Company tab which is the one that you will use the most in the wizard, to find a company all you have to do is type the name in the Company Name field and then click the Find Matches button.
This will then give you a list of businesses that match the name that you entered into the Company Name field. The image below shows an example of some results you would see if you search “selestial”.]
As you can see from the image above there are only 3 results for selestial as it is quite a specific name, but for example if you searched something like “www” you would get thousands of results but the wizard only shows the 20 most relevant results so if you couldn’t find what you are looking for you will need to make the search more specific by searching something along the lines of “www chairs and co” for example.
Once you have found the business that you want to import into HQ in the list you will need to click on it to select it, this will then change the tab to the officers tab, if this is a new business that you are importing into HQ you will see a list of the officers associated with that business in a similar style to the business list.
You can also view the company details by clicking the company details tab.
When you have found the business that you want to import you can either import just the business its self or import the business and also import the officers into HQ as people which will also be linked to the business that you are importing.
To import just the business you need to click the Save Business Only button, this will then save the business and close the companies house wizard. To import both the business and the officers you need to click the Save Business & Officers button, this will then save the business, but also save the officers as people and then link them to the business.
Updating from Companies House
With the companies house wizard you can also update businesses that are already in HQ as long as they have a Company Registration Number.
To do this you will need to edit the business so that the edit business dialog box is open, then once you have opened it you will see two buttons in the bottom left hand corner, one is Find Officers and the other is Update from Companies House.
If you click the Find Officers button a dialog box will appear with a list of the officers for that business if you haven’t already imported them, from there you can then import the officers and it will link to the business.
Clicking the Update from Companies House button with update the details from companies house such as the registered office address and any business details that are missing that can be imported.